Always needs of all types, material, physical, emotional, social, cultural, etc. Some
worth more than the other seg & # 250, n intensity that generates and inner satisfaction that can soothe
Extrañar an old attempt to relationship, surprisingly, talks, laughs or cries are a point to know how important are certain people in our lives, a long pass and others are recorded in a natural way, unconscious and immediate as the day that I first saw you sitting in the room of the office and ask for your name ivan all done while looking into the past to tell of your life
People are made of everything, of what we do, say, think, believe, give, take away, build, destroy, generate, come on, come, we are made of people where we come from, the people we touch, know, hear and a thousand million things to learn, digest, write, scream, cry, reflect and what we create.
We are good, bad ... Indifferent, gullible, outgoing, and love, are heredity and evolution, we are ideational, optimistic, media, pessimistic entrepreneurs and dreamers gullible like a vocation
We are disposable, indispensable, heroes and villains, we are each other's history marks tattooed on reports , bodies and minds of those who shared even if only a minute of your life but
We abusing individual that makes us mortal, weak and sinking, we need to be human, brothers, family and happiness, be sadness and company; be friends, accomplices and for short moments rivals, enemies and unfair to not miss, and need us wonder
But today, today we are here
Sent from my iPhone
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